Subscribers Are DTAC’s Only Shield!

The controversial regarding DTAC’s concession of 900 MHz still goes on an on, and now it looks like subscribers are the only protection DTAC will only have.

The subscribers using the “soon to end concession”, 850 MHz (900 MHz) seems to be held hostages by Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (DTAC) as a shield in a negotiation regarding subscribers’ protection with The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC).

This issue has been raised to question DTAC if the subscribers’ protection strategy is used to force NBTC to issue a remedial measurement, so that DTAC can use the 850 MHz without any expense? Or maybe paying at the minimum rate without having to go through all the trouble for another round of auction? Does this action consider taking advantage on the nation and users?


In fact, the remedial measurement does not seem to be legit when the auction for 900 MHz (850 MHz) had been held before the end of DTAC’s concession, but it was DTAC who decided to not participate in the auction, which gives NBTC the right to deny the remedial measurement requested by DTAC, unlike what had been done in the past during the transferring concession period.

This clearly shows an unfaithfulness of DTAC for not trying its best to secure the customers. More importantly, if DTAC has any business necessities on not being able to participate in the auction, we should have seen a transferring protocol from 850 MHz to other spectrums by now, but until now, we have seen nothing solid from DTAC regarding this matter.


While DTAC is trying to notify the public that there are 90,000 telephone numbers in 850 MHz, and will face trouble without the remedial measurement, a complaint with Administrative Court against NBTC has also been filed by DTAC to nullify NBTC’s resolution on August 18, 2018 and to request the Administrative Court to issue a temporary subscribers’ protection. The action by DTAC is like flipping a coin, one side says “subscribers’ protection”, and the other side says “stalling until the transferring is completed.”

However, should there be any concerns if the court issues a temporary subscribers’ protection for DTAC, will DTAC be able to use the 850 MHz after September 15, 2018 (end of concession) without any expense?

The latest rumors say that DTAC is trying to lobby various regulators to help on this case. Whether this is true or false, there is yet any confirmation on this matter.


But the fact that there is a complaint from certain commissions against fraudulent to NBTC to reject DTAC’s request is not a coincident and something that should not be overlooked!


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