PTTGC Joins ALPLA to Establish ENVICCO for Operating High-Quality Recycled Plastic
PTTGC Joins ALPLA to Establish ENVICCO for Operating High-Quality Recycled Plastic.
PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (PTTGC) announced the establishment of a Joint Venture company called ENVICCO Limited (ENVICCO) to operate High-quality recycled plastic plant which PTTGC holds 70% of total shares in Joint Venture company together with another 30% held by ALPLA.
The Joint Venture company has the objectives to manufacture and distribute High-quality recycled plastic resins with overall production capacity of 45,000 ton per year comprised of rPET capacity of 30,000 ton per year and rHDPE capacity of 15,000 ton per year. The project will be located at Asia Industrial Estate in Rayong province and has expected Commercial Operation Date within the 4th Quarter of 2021.
The establishment of ENVICCO is in accordance with the resolution of Board of Directors’ meeting no. 8/2019 on July 22, 2019. To invest in Recycle plastic plant project is aligned with PTTGC’s Sustainability Strategy for Circular Economy that aims to be a pilot company for plastic waste management by convert used packaging plastics to High-quality recycled plastic resins to serve increasing demand of recycled plastic in the market together with environmental protection.