THAI to Operate Normally after the Govn’t Approves the Rehabilitation

THAI to Operate Normally after the Govn't Approves the Rehabilitation

Thai Airways International Public Company (THAI) announced in regard to the Thai Cabinet approved today the reform plan for THAI which will be implemented through the business reorganization chapter under the auspices of the Central Bankruptcy Court of Thailand and the Bankruptcy Act. In the meantime, THAI is able to operate flights and run its business as usual.

Although THAI’s reform plan will be implemented and exercised through the business reorganization chapter under the bankruptcy law, THAI will not be dissolved or go into liquidation or to be declared bankruptcy. On the contrary, the business reorganization chapter will enable THAI to reach its reform plan’s objectives even more effectively step by step as required by the law which provides equitable protection to all relevant stakeholders while THAI will be able to conduct its normal business operations including passenger and cargo transportation. The business will be conducted in parallel with the reform plan to increase operational efficiency and improve product and service quality.

THAI will resume full operations once the Covid-19 situation subsides.

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