Analyst Recommends 6 Large-Cap Stocks for November Investment Themes
Analyst Recommends 6 Large-Cap Stocks for November Investment Themes
Trinity Securities recommended 3 investment themes for November consisting of 1) gradually accumulate 6 large cap stocks; the Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SCC) due to a continued rebound possibility of HDPE driven by Chinese demands and oil price slipped, Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited (DELTA) is expected to be listed on SET50 and SET100 indices for the next announcement.
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CPF) as the share price declined to valuation satisfied levels and forward PE fell to Covid-19-period levels, Home Produce Center Public Company Limited (HMPRO), benefited from “Shop Dee Mee Kuen” (Shop and Payback) scheme, Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) Public Company Limited (STGT) driven by a resurgence of Covid-19 and a sustained growth in profit for the next 3-4 quarters and Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited (BAM) due to an expected rebound in the second half of 2020 profit, along with cash flow increased.
2) Stocks to benefit from “Shop Dee Mee Kuen” scheme including retail and credit card sector such as HMPRO, Com7 Public Company Limited (COM7) and Krungthai Card Public Company Limited (KTC) and 3) Stocks to benefit from Social Distancing measures abroad, which directly affect mobility and social activities, such as Asian Sea Corporation Public Company Limited (ASIAN), Exotic Food Public Company Limited (XO) and Polyplex (Thailand) Public Company Limited (PTL).
Meanwhile, recommending to avoid investing in tourism both airlines and hospitality sectors. As well as hospitals with foreign client base and refinery sector as demand slowdown amid reimposed lockdowns.