TIGER’s Profit Drops 11.03% to ฿79.24mn, Offering a Dividend at ฿0.18/Share
TIGER's Profit Drops 11.03% to ฿79.24mn, Offering a Dividend at ฿0.18/Share
Thai Enger Holding Public Company Limited (TIGER) has reported its yearly consolidated financial statement of 2019 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;
TIGER reported a net profit of 79.24 million baht decreased by 11.03% from the previous year. The decrease was from 3 main factors; the increase of revenues from prompt delivery of construction project on hand and expansion in sale of construction material segment and the new source of revenues from procurement and installment of system for international expo, the gross profit increased while the gross margin decrease due to the fact that the new revenues providing less margin than those from construction segments and most of the projects recognised during the year were the government projects which provide less margin than those of private sector, and the administrative expenses increase from the expenses related to the future operation growth and one-time major expenses recognised in the year.
TIGER to approve the dividend payment of 0.18 baht per share to be paid from the 2019 net profit on May 5, 2020.