CPF Supports Labour Law, International Standards and Human Rights Principles
CPF Supports Labour Law, International Standards and Human Rights Principles
Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC (CPF) affirms its labour recruitment policy is strictly aligned with the labour act and intensively respect human rights , vowing equal treatment, remuneration and welfare as required by legislative requirements. Migrant workers, in particular, are recruited under the Thai government’s memorandum of understanding (MoU) with neighboring countries with assistance of certified agencies at the countries of origin.
Mr. Parisotat Punnabhum, CP Foods’ Executive Vice President of Human Resources, said CPF operates with ethics, responsibility and transparency, particularly the concerns over the recruitment of both Thai and foreign workers which extended to cover the suppliers, requiring to respect the laws, to follow international standards for mutual and sustainable growth, and to engage in social and environmental development.
CPF has already devised and strictly followed the labour policy and guidelines. Under the policy, child labour is prohibited, to guard them against harm to their health, physical development and education. All types of forced labour are prohibited. The policy forbids the collection of any payments from workers or the confiscation of workers’ personal documents. It highlights respect for workers’ differences and equal treatment. Workers shall not be rewarded unfairly or deprived of labour rights regardless of their nationality, citizenship, ethnicity, complexion, religion, gender, age, physical disabilities, political views and marital status. Preventive and rectifying measures on sexual harassment are included.
Regarding remuneration, CPF adopts the pay scale and other payments including overtime and other benefits as guided by labour law. The payments are on time and deducted only for the reasons allowed by law. Hours of work and overtime are set within legal limits. CPF promotes, improves and maintains safety at workplace, to protect workers and relevant individuals against health risks. CPF also strives to conserve the environment and reduce impacts from the operations of the company and relevant parties, with compliance to environmental laws.
“We emphasize legal recruitment in all dimensions and encourage our suppliers to comply with laws and international labour standards. Given that these are aligned with our policy, their best practices will help push all parties towards the shared goals,” Mr. Parisotat said.
He insisted that migrant workers are recruited only under Thailand’s MoU with neighboring countries. Workers are recruited directly by certified job placement agencies at the countries of origin, to ensure that the recruitment process and involved expenses are transparent. In Thailand, they are entitled to similar treatment that Thai workers enjoy.
CPF employs more than 13,000 workers from Cambodia and Myanmar. Interpreters are provided to assist their communication. Orientation is scheduled for the migrant workers, along with constant training for the skills required for the production process. Meanwhile, CPF collaborates with Labour Protection Network Foundation (LPN) in establishing “Labour Voices Hotline by LPN”. Through the center, operated by a neutral organization, workers of all nationalities can express their views and recommendations, file complaints or seek assistance. The center also offers training on human rights and legal knowledge about labour, occupational health and safety in Thailand.
“Aside from strict compliance to law and the employment and recruitment policy, since 2017 CPF has conducted Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) that covers all groups of workers including the vulnerable like ethnic and religious minorities and those with physical disabilities. Covering all businesses in Thailand, the due diligence is aimed at analyzing and assessing human rights-related risks as well as devising the approaches or guidelines that will reduce the risks efficiently and systematically. The due diligence takes place every 3 years, with the latest being completed in 2019,” Mr. Parisotat said.
CPF’s recruitment and management practices recognize the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s principles, the UN Global Impact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), and Thai Labour Standards (TLS) 8001. CPF has announced a number of policies concerning recruitment and management including the Human Rights Policy, the Employment and Labour Management Policy and the Foreign Labour Hiring in Thailand Policy. CPF issued the Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking, affirming the Company’s stand against all kinds of slavery and human trafficking and ensuring that all workers are treated accordingly to human rights principles and entitled to benefits warranted by the labour law.