WHAUP Records a Decrease of Net Profit by 5%, Offering a Dividend at ฿0.16
WHAUP Records a Decrease of Net Profit by 5%, Offering a Dividend at ฿0.16
Wha Utilities And Power Public Company Limited (WHAUP) has reported its yearly consolidated financial statement of 2019 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;
WHAUP reported a net profit of the year 2019 of 2,137.2 million baht decreased by 5.1% from 2018. The decrease was mainly from the increase of administrative expense by 51%, the 10.5% decrease of other income from lower Interest income on loan and bank guarantee from GHECO-One due to full repayment of such loan, and the 8.1% decrease of share of profit from investment in associates and joint venture due to lower contribution from GHECO-One.
WHAUP has approved a dividend payment at the rate of 0.16 baht per share and dated to pay on May 20, 2020.