Thai Cabinet Issues Remedial Measures for Workers without Social Security Benefits!
Thai Cabinet Issues Remedial Measures for Workers without Social Security Benefits!
Somkid Jatusripitak, the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand revealed that the Thai cabinet has approved a remedial measures phrase 2 helping informal workers without social security benefits, including temporary employees and freelancers, who are affected by Covid-19.
According to a new phrase, firstly, those affected workers would receive 5,000 baht per month for 3 months long and if the situation escalated, the government would also expand the period of remedial payment measures.
Secondly, an emergency loan program valued 40,000 million baht to strengthen liquidity for whoever carried an informal debt.
Thirdly, a special credit aid of 20,000 million baht. And lastly, the Office of the Government Pawnshop has adjusted an interest rate of pawn not over 0.125% per month.
Together with the extension of both personal income tax filing and payment till August 2020.