RATCH to Increase Nearly ฿28Bn of Capital on Subsidiaries for Future Investment Plans
RATCH to Increase Nearly ฿28Bn of Capital on Subsidiaries for Future Investment Plans
Ratch Group Public Company Limited (RATCH) announced that on July, 17, 2020, RH International Corporation Limited, RATCH’s wholly owned direct subsidiary, has already registered its capital increase of Baht 15,000 million to Baht 32,650 million to the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce. This was done by issuing 1,500 new ordinary shares, valuing at Baht 10 each and the increased capital was initially called at Baht 6,150 million.
Afterward, it would increase the capitals of RH International (Mauritius) Corporation and RH International (Singapore) Corporation Pte. Ltd. (direct and indirect subsidiaries of RH International Corporation Limited respectively) at USD 200.20 million to USD 724.33 million and USD 200 million to USD 723.83 million respectively within July 2020. The rest of the capitals will be called as deem necessary for overseas projects investment in the future.
The purposes of such capital increases of the three subsidiaries were to repay short-term loans, to be the working capital of each company and to be used as an investment fund for overseas power projects that are under construction and development as well as projects that will be invested in the future.