RATCH Breaks the Chain
RATCH Breaks the Chain
After having Thai-Lao Lignite Company Limited as a thorn in its side for a while, Ratch Group Public Company Limited (RATCH) addressed that a civil case where Thai-Lao Lignite claimed that RATCH has infringed upon its trade secrets when developed Hongsa Power Plant Project in Hongsa District, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court on Sep 30, 2020 has issued a judgement to dismiss the claim…like breaking away from boudage.
It was previously concerned that RATCH would end up like Banpu Public Company Limited (BANPU)..!! As if the Court accepted the claim, RATCH’s operation profit would be affected in a short-term.
Despite RATCH being a stock with a good catalyst, the share was laggard in which showing underperformed compared to its peers. However, since the Court dismissed the claim, the investor confidence on RATCH has started to improve.
In 2007, the Nhanthavee group filed a civil action against BANPU whereby the claim amount was more than 60,000 million baht. In 2012, the Court has adjudicated BANPU to pay the damages of 31,740 million baht, but BANPU has filed an appeal.
However, in 2018, the Court ordered BANPU group to pay the damages plus interest of 2,620 million baht to Nhanthavee group on behalf of Thai-Lao Lignite Company Limited.
Following the Court dismissal, RATCH could have time for new projects.
As of now, RATCH’s several projects have yet to recognize income such as the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of 2 Intercity Motorways which partnered with Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (GULF), BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited (BTS) and Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction (STEC), the 1,400MW Hin Kong Combined-cycle Power Plant Project with GULF, the Quang Tri 1 Thermal Power Plant Project in Vietnam with Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (EGCO) and EGAT International Company Limited (EGATi)
In addition, ABEIF fund in Vietnam, which RATCH is holding an ownership interest of 49%, has invested in 4 power plants with a total capacity of 2,620MW, leading RATCH to be on the Hot Stock list.