MINT Remains in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and Thailand Sustainability Investment
MINT Remains in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and Thailand Sustainability Investment
Minor International Public Company Limited (MINT) today announced that it remains as an index component of the 2020 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the 7th consecutive year and also continues to be included in Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) for the 6th consecutive year following the Company’s outstanding sustainability initiatives.
DJSI was launched in 1999 as the first global sustainability benchmark and tracks the stock performance of the world’s leading companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria. Publicly listed companies globally across 61 industries participated in this corporate sustainability assessment each year. Within the Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines sector, a total of 23 companies were assessed worldwide and MINT is among the top 5.
THSI, which was created by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2015, comprises of listed companies that embrace sustainability management practices in business management. Those THSI listed companies have promoted long-term growth with comprehensive risk management approaches, drove competitiveness with innovations, remained ready to tackle any changes and conducted businesses with high ethical practices and good corporate governance, as well as taken into account social and environment interests (ESG).
Mr. Dillip Rajakarier, Group CEO of Minor International commented, “This is another great recognition of the Company’s outstanding corporate sustainability performance, reflecting our commitment and efforts to conduct business with exceptional governance, social and environmental responsibility and we are very proud to advance ESG practices in every front of our businesses. Notably, not only are we the only company qualified for DJSI Index in the Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines sector for the Emerging markets, our scores have improved overall in terms of percentile. Meanwhile, NH Hotel Group has also delivered good results, ranking in the top 3.”
He further added, “Sustainability is a part of MINT’s key focus. Especially during difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainability will help us emerge as a stronger company. We continue to embed sustainability in our business strategies in order to strengthen the long-term future for our stakeholders.”