DHOUSE Sets Up New Holding Company to Penetrate Gas Station-Retail Businesses
DHOUSE Sets Up New Holding Company to Penetrate Gas Station-Retail Businesses
DHouse Pattana Public Company Limited (DHOUSE) announced that the Board of Director Meeting held on 15 January 2021, has resolution to approve the establishment of a new subsidiary company namely DGroup Holding Company Limited (DGH) to operate real estates for rent and/or retail business and/or investment with the registered capital of 10,000,000 baht.
In addition, DHOUSE also approved D GroupHolding Company Limited (DGH) to purchase 99.99% of D Energy and Retail Company Limited (DER). DER operates gas stations and retail businesses located inside the gas stations. Currently under the application process as a dealer for petroleum products (Gas Station). As of now, DER has no commercial performance.
DER is currently held by 3 shareholders, therefore DGH will purchase the shares directly from the existing shareholders totaled to 9,998 shares with a total purchase price of 999,800 Baht or 100 Baht per share.
This result in, DER is a subsidiary with a share portion of 99.98% holding through DGH (company currently under company registration process).