SCGP’s 2020 Profit Jumps 23% due to a Continued Business Expansion in Thailand-Overseas
SCGP’s 2020 Profit Jumps 23% due to a Continued Business Expansion in Thailand-Overseas
SCG Packaging Public Company Limited (SCGP) has reported its yearly consolidated financial statement of 2020 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;
SCGP reported a net profit of 6,457 million baht, increased 23% YoY with net profit margin of 7%, while a total revenue from sales was 92,786 million baht, increased by 4% YoY due to the business consolidation of operations in Thailand and overseas and on the back of resilient demand in consumer products amid economic softness. EBITDA was 16,876 million baht, increased 11% YoY with EBITDA margin of 18%.
As of December 31, 2020, SCGP’s total liabilities were equal to 62,588 million baht, a decrease of 14,109 million baht or 18% YoY. For interest bearing debt were equal to 44,928 million baht, a decrease of 14,656 million baht or 25% YoY, the decrease was mainly from repayment of short-term bank loan of 13,000 million baht in Q4/2020