JWD’s Major Shareholders Cut 49 Million Shares in Big Lot to Fund Logistic Expansion Plan
JWD clarified that the transactions of JWD shares on the SET Big Lot Board of 49,000,000 shares, representing 4.80% of the total issued shares were sold by 4 company’s major shareholders to support the expansion of logistics business.
JWD InfoLogistics Public Company Limited (JWD) clarified that the transactions of JWD shares on the SET Big Lot Board of 49,000,000 shares, representing 4.80% of the total issued shares. The shares were sold by Mr. Charvanin Bunditkitsada, Miss Amrapharn Bunditkitsada, Miss Saowanee Apiwanopat and Mrs. Achara Nimitpanya, the company’s major shareholders.
The company was informed by the major shareholders that these are the transactions to sell shares to Mr. Sura Khanittaweekul at 20,000,000 shares, representing 1.96% of the total issued shares, Mr. Pongsak Thummathoucharee at 20,000,000 shares, representing 1.96% of the total issued shares, Mr. Rittirong Boonmechote at 6,000,000 shares, representing 0.59% of the total issued shares and Mr. Thirphong Chansiri at 3,000,000 shares, representing 0.29% of the total issued shares.
The main objective of these transactions is to cooperate with strategic partners for the expansion of the company’s logistics business and network in the future. This transaction does not affect the management structure and business policy in any aspects.