DOD Clarifies the Sales of 2.44% from “Lamduan” is Internal Transfer No.1 Shareholder

DOD has clarified that the portion of 2.73% sold by Mrs. Lamduan was, in fact, an internal transfer to the no.1 major shareholder of DOD.

DOD Biotech Public Company Limited (DOD) has made an announcement after the report from the Securities and Exchange Commission, stating that on May 22, 2019, Mrs. Lamduan Sengtrakul, the 4th major shareholder of DOD, had sold DOD’s shares at a total of 2.44% of her voting rights and left with the remaining of 2.73%.

In the statement published by DOD, stated that the portion of 2.73% sold by Mrs. Lamduan was, in fact, an internal transfer to the no.1 major shareholder of DOD. Thus, the number of shares held by major shareholders remain the same.

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