Institutions and Foreigners Withdraw THB2.9 Billion from Thai Market

The total value of buying and selling on September 6, 2021, categorized by the investor's type



SET Index closed at 1,648.37 points, decreased 1.96 points or 0.12% with a trading value of 78.3 billion baht. The analyst stated that the Thai stock market moved sideways in a rebasing position without positive catalysts.

For the domestic event, the analyst recommended to monitor the CCSA meeting that the market speculated a termination of the emergency decree. Meanwhile, the analyst advised keeping an eye on China’s imports/exports data and the ECB meeting later this week for overseas events.

In addition, the analyst expected Thai stock market to continue rebasing, giving a support level at 1,640 points and a resistance level at 1,655-1,658 points.

– Local Institutions and Foreign Investors withdrew 2.9 billion baht from the Thai stock market, resulting in a 2pts plummet in today’s session.

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