GULF’s Sarath Ratanavadi and Top Executives Take Positions in INTUCH Board of Directors
Sarath Ratanavadi, Yupapin Wangviwat and Smith Banomyong took positions in the Board of Directors of INTUCH.
Intouch Holdings Public Company Limited (INTUCH) has announced the resignation of directors and enforcement of the appointment of directors, which includes executives from Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (GULF).
The Board of Directors of INTUCH in the meeting on September 6, 2021 acknowledged the resignation of the following seven directors, effective September 30, 2021:
1) Mr. Kan Trakulhoon
2) Mr. Somchai Supphatada
3) Ms. Sopawadee Lertmanaschai
4) Ms. Manida Zinmerman
5) Mr. Prasert Bunsumpun
6) Mr. Charkrit Parapuntakul
7) Mr. Somprasong Boonyachai
Meanwhile, the Board of Directors also acknowledged the appointment of eight directors to replace the seven who will resign and fill an additional board seat, which will propose for approval at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on October 1, 2021.
1) Mr. Kan Trakulhoon as an independent director
2) Mr. Charkrit Parapuntakul as an independent director
3) Mr. Kanit Vallayapet as an independent director
4) Mrs. Varang Chaiyawan as an independent director
5) Mr. Sarath Ratanavadi as representative director of shareholder
6) Ms. Yupapin Wangviwat as representative director of shareholder
7) Ms. Bung-on Suttipattanakit as representative director of shareholder
8) Mr. Smith Banomyong as representative director of shareholder