DELTA’s “T.O. Price” is Expected to Rise Now that Shares Are Traded at Higher Level
Delta Electronics Singapore reveals their big plan on taking over DELTA, making a tender offer at ฿71/share, while trade market share prices went higher in the blink of an eye.
Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited or DELTA revealed through SET that they received Letter of Intention from Delta Electronics International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“DEISG”) stating that DEISG would like to make a Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer (“CVTO”) to acquire all of the ordinary shares of DELTA in the aggregated number of 1,247,381,614 shares (as of the date of this notification) or the percentage of 100 of the total number of paid-up ordinary shares of DELTA or equivalent to 100 percent of the total voting rights, at the offering price of ฿71 (seventy one) for each ordinary shares.
As of the date of the announcement, DEISG does not hold any number of shares of DELTA and their Related Persons under Section 258 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (as amended) (“Related Parties under Section 258”) hold the number of 261,112,590 shares or the percentage of 20.93 of the total number of paid-up ordinary shares of DELTA; therefore, DEISG and its Related Parties under Section 258 will hold the total number of not exceeding 261,112,590 shares or totaling 20.93 percent of paid-up ordinary shares of DELTA.
It is important to acknowledge that the CVTO shall not be commenced unless the certain preconditions are satisfied. A company that plans to acquire control over another company is required to obtain a merger control clearance before the transaction is implemented.
In this CVTO, it is necessary to obtain regulatory approvals, which may take up to 6 months, from the Federal Trade Commission and Antitrust Division of Department of Justice of United States, Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission of European Union, and State Administration for Market Regulation Anti-monopoly Bureau of China. If the period to obtain the approval as mentioned above is changed, DEISG will inform and update DELTA as soon as possible.
In this regard, DEISG is obliged to submit a statement of intention to make a tender offer (Form 247-3) and an offer document (Form 247-4) to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission, shareholders of DELTA, DELTA and the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
When DELTA receives such tender offer from DEISG, they will disclose the information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand and public. The Board of directors has authorized DELTA’s management to appoint an independent financial advisor (IFA) from the list of financial advisors approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission to give opinion on this CVTO to the shareholders.
DELTA closed at ฿69.75/share on July 31, 2018, up ฿1.25/share or 1.82% DEISG will need a total of 98.6 billion baht to complete the rest of 79% of their tender offer.
However, as of the recent DELTA’s price in stock market, the price went up to ฿71.25/share, which is higher than what Delta Electronics’ tender offer.
This is, yet, another money game that all traders would want to participate.
Top 5 DELTA stakeholders (Overview as of 09/03/2018 rights)
2) Thai NVDR Co., Ltd.: 5.90%