TISCO Booked ฿1.84bln. in 3Q18 from Loan Interest and Financial Lease
A strong 3rd quarter of TISCO as expected after the financial statement reported on earning 1.84 billion baht.
TISCO Financial Group Public Company Limited (TISCO) has announced its consolidated financial statements of 3Q18 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
TISCO earned 1,814 million baht in 3Q18, increased by 242.49 million baht (15.4% YoY), contributed by an increase in income from core business and the record of extraordinary income from investment and business sale. Net interest income increased by 12.2% (YoY) from the ability to maintain overall loan yield and the effective cost management.
In addition, non-interest income increased by 9.0% (YoY) of which in this quarter, TISCO recorded gain on selling investment amounting 229 million baht and gain from sale of credit card business amounting 211 million baht. However, non-interest income from core business declined by 3.1% (YoY), from decreasing brokerage fee income and investment banking fee income.