RATCH Commercializes Its 7MW System Restart Project to Revive Australian Power Station
The installed diesel generator from RATCH will enable Kemerton Power Station to provide system restart service to the local grid of the south country region of the South West Interconnected System of Western Australia.
Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding Public Company Limited (RATCH) has informed that the Diesel Generator Installation Project of the System Restart Service (Black Start) of Kemerton Power Station (under the operation of RATCH-Australia Kemerton Pty Ltd. which RATCH-Australia Corporation Limited; an indirect subsidiary held 100% stake) of four sets of diesel power generator with a total installation capacity of 7MW has started its commercial operation consistent with Ancillary Service Deed System Restart Service since October 23, 2018.
The operation enables Kemerton Power Station to provide system restart service to the local grid of the south country region of the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) of Western Australia.