Abundant Confidence among Investors as Early-COD of CKP’s “Xayaburi” is Expected Soon!!
As a major shareholder of Xayaburi Power Company Limited, CKP’s shares tend to receive positive sentiment and an overwhelmingly trading in the market if EGAT can persuade Xayaburi for a 10-month-early COD.
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)’s spokesman announces that ERC has come to a resolution to increase variable electricity rate (Ft), which will be charging an average of ฿3.63/unit (exclude VAT), up 1.2% from ฿3.59/unit, giving the reason that the cost has risen.
As the rate will hike in the near future, ERC has urged Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) to discuss with the head of Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project -total capacity of 1,280MW- to start an early feeding (COD) in early next year instead of October 2019, in order to support the higher electricity cost as hydroelectric has lower cost.
After examining the shareholders of Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project, “Kaohoon Online” has found that CK Power Public Company Limited (CKP) holds 37.5% of Xayaburi Power Company Limited, which leads to an assumption that CKP’s shares will have tendency to rise even higher.
On November 8, 2018, CKP‘s shares closed at ฿5.45/share, jumped ฿0.40 or 7.92% with ฿826 million in total value.