WHAUP Hits a Record High, Making ฿2,252M. of Profit in 2018 and Offering ฿0.2115 Dividend
WHAUP has announced a 13.7% increase of profit in 2018 and a dividend payment at ฿0.2115/share.
WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (WHAUP) has reported its consolidated financial statement yearly 2018 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows:
WHAUP had marked a record high of profit in 2018 to book THB 2,251.9 million, a 13.7% increase from THB 1,980.9 million in 2017. The increase was mainly from i) a 17.1% increase of gross profit from operation, ii) a 21.1% increase of other income from higher dividend received from Glow IPP, iii) a 14.5% lower of administrative expenses from accounting adjusted of doubtful debt amounted of THB 22.5 million in 1Q2018, iv) a 20.3% lower of financial costs due to refinance the existing bank loan of THB 4,000 million in August 2017 and another THB 4,000 million in June 2018 with issuance of baht bonds.
In addition, WHAUP announced a dividend payment from operating period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 and retained earnings to the shareholders at the rate of ฿0.2115/share in cash to be paid on May 22, 2019. The ex-dividend date is May 3, 2019.