Brexit, Second Referendum, Hard Brexit and No Brexit, All to be Decided Today!
Today, Theresa May will present her deal to the parliament to get approval on the Brexit deal.
The long awaited Brexit is right around the corner and British Prime Minister Theresa May had just won Brexit assurances from the European Union yesterday. With confidence, May will confront the parliament full of lawmakers who vowed to vote down on her deal again.
“Today we have secured legal changes,” May said. “Now is the time to come together to back this improved Brexit deal and to deliver on the instruction of the British people.”
While many of her party members are still uncertain if the assurance that May got from the EU would be enough to win over the 116 additional lawmakers that she needs to reverse to her side, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that this is the last chance for Britain.
The main point to decide this decisive battle between May and British lawmakers would be the backstop. The backstop is an insurance policy to control the sensitive border between Northern Ireland which belongs to the Britain and EU’s Ireland.
Britain will leave EU on March 29, 2019, which gives May 17 days to put this plan into action (if it gets approved), otherwise the nation would face a major crisis and to leave EU without a deal.