From Brexit to End Up with No-Brexit
British lawmakers voted 412 to 202 for an extension of their Brexit deadline.
Yesterday, March 14, 2019, British lawmakers voted 412 to 202 for an extension of the withdrawal beyond the current deadline which is March 29 after British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal was taken down by lawmakers on Tuesday.
The deferral would be at least three months or until June 30 if the EU agrees to the request by March 20. However, May had promised that she would bring another deal back to parliament next week for a vote.
This has given May time to come up with a deal to win lawmakers who believe that the deal does not offer a clean break from the EU, but by the look of how lawmakers turned down her deal one after another, the next deal would probably end with the same result.
There are only a few possibilities for Britain regarding the matter. If EU disapproves the extension, Britain would have been forced to leave the bloc without a deal or to accepted the only deal that it has which is May’s deal. On the other hand, if Britain gets the extension, it is possible that there will be a second referendum while May coming up with a new deal is still possible, but highly unlikely to be approved.