HM King Rama X Makes an Appearance at the Balcony to Greet Thousands of His Subjects
His Majesty King Rama X has made an appearance on the Balcony at the Grand Palace to greet his subjects who chant "Long live the King" in unison.
Today, May 6, 2019, His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn and Her Majesty Queen Suthida Rajarasudha Bimollaksana made a public appearance to greet thousands of his and her subjects on the balcony of Suddhaisavarya Prasad Hall at the Grand Palace on the final day of the coronation ceremonies.
The crowd, despite the heat over 40 degree, sits patiently, wearing yellow shirt, the colour associated with the King while chanting “Long live the king” when His Majesty made an appearance.