SCN Books Revenue from NGV Buses, Buoying 1Q19 Profit to Grow 17%
SCN recorded a net profit of THB 72.62 million in the first quarter of 2019, increased 17.20% from the same period of last year.
Scan Inter Public Company Limited (SCN) has reported its 1Q19 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows:
SCN recorded a net profit of THB 72.62 million in the first quarter of 2019, increased 17.20% from the same period of last year. Sales from automotive business increased by THB 242 million or 72.6%. Revenue from Automotive business increase from sales of 189 NGV buses that SCN has successfully delivered the remaining 189 counted as THB 365.5 million in this Quarter supporting with sales from Auto Dealer that also outperformed with growth of 44.4% in this Quarter.