MINT Calls on AOT to Reconsider Qualification Process for Suvarnabhumi Commercial Area
MINT asserted that the process of submitting for the bidding proceeded correctly in every step. Thus, request AOT to reconsider the qualification process.
Following the morning report from Kaohoon Turakij newspaper, and Kaohoon Online of Minor International Public Company Limited (MINT) had requested Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) to reconsider the qualification process for the operating commercial area concession in Suvarnabhumi Airport, MINT has made another assertion in late morning of May 27, 2019, as follows:
The company has asserted that the process of submitting for the bidding proceeded correctly in every step. MINT has submitted the proposal under “Minor International Public Company Limited” in which the one who had purchased the envelope for the bidding according to the qualification stated by AOT, saying that the purchaser and proposed company must be the same entity. Thus, denying the report from AOT which stated that the purchaser and proposed company was a different entity.
MINT is confident that the company had all the requirement as a bidder according to the qualification stated by AOT. The company has continuous work experience of five years in food, retail, and department store. Thus, it is not practical to deny MINT without seeing the company’s proposal.
In this regard, MINT has made a public announcement to ask AOT to reconsider the qualification process, but has not made any statement on the matter if AOT affirms its decision.