Thai Stock Market Roundup June 18, 2019
A short summary to inform you of what had happened in Thai stock market on June 18, 2019
– SET closed at 1,683.60 points, increased 16.37 points or 0.98% with a trading value of THB 61.97 billion. Thai Market closed with a positive direction due to the government forming which the Prime Minister of Thailand has announced the list of cabinets for forming the coalition government.
– A net buy of Thai shares by THB6,066.8 million from Proprietary Trading and Foreigner Investors buoyed SET to close higher than yesterday 16.37 points while Individuals poured a net sell of THB5,060.67 million.
– PTTEP invested THB1.94 billion to take over the Middle East’s leading oil/gas company, Partex. Moreover, “Phongsthorn” aims for more investment in Asia, U.A.E., Oman, targeting 400KBOED in 2020. Analyst saw PTTEP taking over Partex as a gateway to future investment and recommended “BUY” at THB15.
– TFG acquired “FBC” with THB280 million of investments, expecting new targeted customers and new business expansion.
– SIRI invested THB50 million in “Siripat Six” for property development.
– Seafood task force-CPF joined hands to support plans for sustainable fishing gears
– ORI sent “The Origin” to 6 areas in BKK, targeting first jobbers and first condo buyers.
– TITLE closed the day at THB3.74, increased THB0.20 or 5.65% with a trading value THB44,019 million. During the session, the highest of TITLE’s share price was THB3.82 and the lowest was 3.56. Moreover, TITLE revealed the approval plan of repurchasing 15 million shares for financial management purposes with a total value of THB99 million.
Top 10 Most Impact Shares on June 18, 2019