“Thavich” Emphasizes Confidence in IFEC, Holding All Shares through Temporary Trading!
Mr. Thavich Taychanavakul as one of IFEC’s number one major shareholder said that he will not sell any of his shares during the temporary trading.
Mr. Thavich Taychanavakul, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inter Far East Energy Corporation Public Company Limited (IFEC), has made a statement regarding the worry of a temporary trading measurement from SET that as one of IFEC’s number one major shareholder he will not sell any of his shares during the time.
Regarding the possibility of share price facing a sharp decline, Mr. Thavich asserts that he does not worry about the share price as it is beyond the company’s control. The temporary trading give both buyers and sellers an opportunity to trade for IFEC’s share.
Nevertheless, the most important thing to do right now is to settle the Board of Directors in IFEC’s subsidiary and submit the financial statements. Mr. Thavich has high confidence that IFEC will definitely return to be an attractive security in the market and its recovery plans will resolve all of the remaining problems.