PLE Hikes 3% to New High in 2 Months after Signing the Construction Contract with GPO
PLE Hikes 3% to New High in 2 Months after Signing the Construction Contract with GPO worth THB5 billion
As of 11.45 a.m. local time in Thailand, the share price of PLE is at THB1.17, increased THB0.04 of 3.54% with a trading value of THB26,608 million. During the session, the highest of PLE’s share price was at THB1.18 and the lowest was THB1.15. The share price of PLE has reached its highest in 2 months since the share price was at THB1.20 on 30 April 2019.
The rise of PLE’ share price might due to the effect of signing the construction contract with the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) for building and installation of Rangsit Pharmaceutical Plant Project (Phase II) on 24 June 2019 in the total contract value of THB 5,264 million. The construction areas are totally 121,148 sq.m and the construction period is 1,080 days after the date that GPO hands over the areas for the construction for PLE.