“Proceeded under the Right of Constitutions,” Says Ministry of Energy over PDP 2018 Case
The Ministry of Energy states that the PDP 2018 had been approved by the cabinet and had been proceeded under the right of constitution all along.
Following the case submitted to the Ministry of Energy by the Office of the Ombudsman Thailand on July 4, 2019, to consider the proportion adjustment of the electricity production by the government on the Power Development Plan 2018 (PDP 2018) to 51% in private companies’ power plant projects. The ministry of energy has stated on July 5, 2019, that the case will be reviewed carefully within the time frame of 120 days.
However, the ministry has also stated that from PDP 2010, PDP 2015 until PDP 2018 that the cabinet had already approved on April 30, 2019, has been proceeded under the right of constitution all along.
The case had made investors worried on the involvement of the government which would lower the opportunity of power plant operators to bid and invest on future projects.