TPCH Hikes 4% after Acquiring 9.5 MW of Waste PP, Analyst Recommends “BUY” TP at ฿15.60
TPCH Hikes 4% After Acquiring 9.5 MW of Waste Power Plant, Analyst Recommends “BUY” TP at ฿15.60
As of 11.40 local time in Thailand, the share price of TPC Power Holding Public Company Limited (TPCH) was at THB13.30, increasing THB0.50 or 3.91%. During the session, the highest of TPCH’s share price was at THB13.60 and the lowest was THB13.10 with a trading value of THB108 million. TPCH’ share price has sharply risen in 1 year 4 months since the price was THB13.30 on 5 March 2018.
Kasikorn Securities has stated on the investment strategy of 15 July 19 to accumulate specific catalysts stock which are PTT, RJH, SYNEX, AOT, GUNKUL, PRM, MINT, TOP, and TPCH which TPCH is a top pick of today. Kasikorn recommended “BUY” TPCH share with the target price of THB15.60.
Moreover, Kasikorn signed PPA for a 9.5 MW waste power plant (equity MW 50%). The project will provide THB1.50 upside (not yet included in our forecast). A 2020E earnings growth estimated at 50% YoY, to pull PER down from 14x in 2019 to 9x in 2020.