Institutions Continue to Net Sell ฿9bn for 3 Days in a Row, Lowering SET Index by 9pts
The total value of buying and selling separated by investor's type as of July 17, 2019.
– SET closed at 1,718.85 points, plunged 9.13 points or 0.53% with a trading value of THB 62.6 billion. The plummet began in the afternoon session when the European stocks had started the session in negative territories as Trump’s comment on trade war dampened the sentiment. Moreover, the market had already priced-in the news of Fed’s rate hike in the recent hike, thus, need new factors to drive the market. An analyst from UOB Kay Hian stated that the 2Q19 financial statement from petrochem stocks had been expected to come out lower which might pressure the index during the period.
– Institutions poured another THB 3.35 billion to accumulate a total of THB 9 billion of selloffs in three trading days. Meanwhile, Individuals scooped shares at a lower price for a total of THB 2.13 billion, and Foreign Investors continued to invest in Thai market amid the strengthening of Thai baht.