SF’s 2Q Profit Increases 56% from Megabangna’s Share Profit and a Rise of Rental Income
SF’s 2Q Profit Increases 56% from Megabangna's Share Profit and a Rise of Rental Income
Siam Future Development Public Company Limited (SF) has reported its 2Q19 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows:
SF has reported a 2Q2019 net profit of THB 357.0 million increased by THB 128.1 million or 56% YoY. The increase of 56% net profit came from the share profit from Megabangna of THB 119.9 million increased by THB 9.7 million or 9% because of increased rental and service income from existing tenants and retail expansion approximately 8,500 Sq.m. which started operating on April 2nd, 2019.
Moreover, the rental and service income of THB 370.8 million increased by THB 25.2 million or 7% because of increased rental and service income from existing tenants and new projects of Market Place Nanglinchee – Phase 2, Market Place Dusit and Market Place Sukaphiban 3