CENTEL Reports a Decrease of 37% in 2Q2019 Profit from Employee Benefits
CENTEL Reports a Decrease of 37% in 2Q2019 Profit from Employee Benefits
Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited (CENTEL) has reported its 2Q19 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows:
CENTEL recorded its 2Q2019 net profit of THB 232.42 million, decreasing 37.48% YoY. CENTEL achieved net profit from normal operation totaling THB 290.5 million, a decrease of THB 81.2 million or 21.8% YoY whereby after taking into account an extraordinary item for provision relating to long term employee benefits obligations per the new labor protection Act. totaling THB 58.1 million, therefore, CENTEL achieved a net profit of THB 232.4 million, decreasing 37.4%