BGRIM Reveals the Investment Plans while Aiming to Further Investment in VN-TH
BGRIM plans to further investment in Vietnam, setting future plans for a total of 700MW investment in Thailand as well as community power plant project.
Mrs. Preeyanat Soontornwata, President of B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (BGRIM) has revealed that the company plans to expand its investment in power plant business and expand its investment in Vietnam as the company already have installed capacity of solar farm in Vietnam for a total of 677 MW while the country has a high demand for electricity and the government has a good support for foreign companies to invest in Vietnam.
Moreover, Vietnam plans to increase the ratio of its renewable energy to 21% from the current level of less than 10%. Thus, BGRIM sees the opportunity for the business expansion in renewable energy for both solar power and wind power which is under a feasibility study as well as the investment in LNG.
The investment of power plant project in foreign countries requires an in-depth study and risk management in which the company has more than 20 years of experience in the investment in Amata City Bien Hoa, Vietnam, with over 160 customers, making BGRIM understand the process thoroughly.
Mrs. Preeyanat also states that BGRIM is planning to further its investment in Thailand with a total capacity of 700 MW i.e. combined cycle power plant, renewal agreement of SPP replacement and the solar power plant which is in the middle of merger and acquisition (M&A).
Thai government aims to increase the proportion of renewable power in Thailand higher than the current level at 20%. In addition, BGRIM sees that the community power plant project proposed and supported by the government a very good project for the community as well as inline with BGRIM’s policy to make a better community. If BGRIM has the opportunity, it will participate in the project even though the profit would not be as much as other investments.