HUMAN Takes Over “TigerSoft” to Expand Market Shares of HR Solutions
HUMAN Takes Over “TigerSoft” to Expand Market Shares of HR Solutions.
Humanica Public Company Limited (HUMAN) has announced that on September 26, 2019, HUMAN had acquisition 100% ordinary shares of Tiger Soft (1998) Company Limited (TigerSoft).
TigerSoft is a well-established provider of Human Resource and Payroll software, offering 4 HR solutions to suit the unique needs of various market segments. TigerSoft serves close to 2,500 SMEs to large enterprises, counting major hospitals across Thailand, listed companies as their clients.
The acquisition of TigerSoft provides an excellent opportunity to expand HUMAN’s existing market shares of its HR Solutions for different market segments. The highly complementary portfolio and customer base of the two companies will open up new upselling opportunities and enhance value to HUMAN’s customers by further enabling them to leverage the strength of both companies.