BCP’s 3Q19 Profit Declines to 370 Million Baht from Booking Lower Revenue
BCP’s 3Q19 Profit Declines to 370 Million Baht from Booking Lower Revenue.
Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited (BCP) has reported its 3Q19 consolidated financial statement through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows:
BCP booked a net profit of 369.80 million baht in 3Q19, declined 30% QoQ and 80% YoY due to the lower revenue from sales of goods and rendering services THB 46,481 million (-4% QoQ, -13% YoY).
When compared to Q3/2018, revenue declined 13% YoY, predominantly due to the decline in revenue from petroleum related businesses following the lower selling price per unit, while total sales volume was at a similar level to the previous year.