GULF to Sign a Loan Agreement with SCB for 2,650MW “IPP” in the Afternoon!
GULF to Sign a Loan Agreement with SCB for 2,650MW “IPP” in the Afternoon.
In the afternoon of Monday, November 18, 2019, Mr. Sarath Ratanavadi, Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (GULF) is scheduled to sign a loan agreement with Mr. Arthid Nanthawithaya Director and Chief Executive Officer of The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (SCB) for Gulf PD Company Limited, an Independent Power Producer (IPP) with an installed capacity of 2,650 MW.
The signing ceremony also attended by executives from other financial institutions, namely Mr. Yoshio Komentani, Representative Director, Executive Managing Officer of Mitsui & Co., Limited, Mr.Daisuke Matsui, Director of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Mr.Christopher Thieme, Deputy Director General of Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Mr.Shuhei Ikeda, Managing Director of Asia Office of Mizuho Bank Limited.