CHOW’s Steel Billets Factory Will Restart the Production for 480,000/Year Soon!
CHOW’s Steel Billets Factory Will Restart the Production for 480,000/Year Soon.
Chow Steel Industries Public Company Limited (CHOW) has informed that according to steel billets factory phase 2 located at Kabinburi District, Prachinburi Province with a maximum production capacity of 480,000 tons per year had taken cease of production to improve and develop the production process. The factory has started production testing on December 9, 2019 and expected to restart its commercial operation within 60 days.
In 3Q19, CHOW recorded revenue from the sale of steel billets amount of 476 million baht, decreased 1,964 million baht or 80% from the same period of previous year. CHOW stated that the decrease in sales volume was due to the temporary cessation for the manufacturing process of factory Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the period in order to re-engineer production line and improve efficiency to support the service agreement (Original Equipment Manufacturer: OEM).