GPSC Expects a Tremendous Growth Next Year, Aiming for More Investment in VN and Taiwan
GPSC Expects a Tremendous Growth Next Year, Aiming for More Investment in Vietnam and Taiwan.
Mr. Chawalit Tippawanich, President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) has revealed that the company is looking for more opportunity for new investment even though the company had just purchased Glow Energy Public Company Limited (GLOW) at a total value over 130 billion baht.
GPSC expects to present an operating plan to Myanmar’s officials within the first half of 2020 for the investment in an electricity production system for New Yangon City in Myanmar. Meanwhile, the company sees a high potential in doing business in this New Yangon City, but still need to study for the possibility of entering into the business.
Mr. Chawalit also states that GPSC is also looking to take its investment further to Vietnam and Taiwan which are the countries with potential growth in the production of renewable energy.
The performance in 2020 is expected to improve in both revenue and profit from GLOW’s business and full-year electricity feeding such as Xayaburi Hydropowerplant, Nam Lik Hydropowerplant, waste-to-energy power plant, etc.
The company currently has a total of 5,026 MW installed capacity, separating by already commercialized for 4,748 MW while the remaining will start to recognize the income within 2023.