“Pakorn” Says SET in 2020 Will Embrace Growth in a Balanced and Sustainable Manner
SET focuses inclusive growth in 2020 in a balanced and sustainable manner for Thailand's well-being as a whole and in the long run.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2020, marking the 45th anniversary, further creates growth for the capital market, society, and the country to grow together for inclusive well-being by enhancing process and expanding business in line with a three-year strategic framework (2020-2022), which prioritizes raising work efficiency and creating partnership platform to drive inclusive growth.
SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai said that amidst technological change and global uncertainty, SET in 2020 will embrace growth for the capital market, society and the nation with quality in a balanced and sustainable manner for Thailand’s well-being as a whole and in the long run.
SET’s three-pillar strategy
1) Grow with Efficiency: Improving efficiency and expanding business through partnership model to create inclusive growth with quality; focusing on reducing overlapping process and regulations while offering a one-stop service to listed companies; using data to analyze customer demand to develop products and services to match their needs; as well as creating database for operators to add value and share benefits.
2) Grow with New Opportunities: Seeking new opportunities in both locally and internationally by emphasizing on a linkage with capital markets in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV), and widening opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) and startups.
3) Grow with Stakeholders & Sustainable Society: Improving regulations to facilitate ease of doing business, while prioritizing investor protection and basic infrastructure development enabling market participants to enjoy mutual benefits; cutting down operating costs; developing common infrastructure and platform; enhancing cyber security; establishing new investment channels to offer more convenience. It also includes encouraging listed companies to operate business with sustainability, creating social impact for balanced and sustainable growth, while improving practical guidelines to enhance knowledge about savings and investment to people, including raising potential of operators in all aspects.
Summary of key developments and achievements in 2019
1) SET has been the most liquid market in ASEAN since 2012, with an average daily trading value of THB 53.19 billion (approximately USD 1.74 billion) (Daily turnover hit an all-time record of THB 200 billion on May 28, 2020).
2) TFEX’s daily trading volume averaged 430,000 contracts per day, making it the world’s 26th most active derivatives market.
3) Market capitalization of Initial public offerings (IPOs) was the highest in ASEAN, with Asset World Corporation pcl (AWC) emerging as Thailand’s largest fund-raising deal, and the world’s biggest fund-mobilization by property developer in the past five years.
4) 40 Thai listed companies have been selected as constituents of MSCI Standard Index, with four additions from the preceding year – the highest number of additions in ASEAN. Upon the increase in number of components in the Index, Thai shares’ weight rose to the record high of 3.43 percent from 2.65 percent.
5) SET, in collaboration with the Securities and Exchange Commission, upgraded services and amended regulations under a one-stop service strategy, streamlined derivative warrant (DW) issuance process and enhanced various other regulations.
6) SET linked products and services, and mutual fund trading with overseas markets. These included an issuance of DW on Hang Seng Index and a team-up between FundConnext and Clearstream.
7) SET joined hands with other stock exchanges and overseas organizations in multiple ways including an improvement in ASEAN Exchange website, cooperation with stock exchanges in Shenzhen and Stuttgart, as well as a continuous collaboration with capital market in CLMV sub-region and International Finance Corporation (IFC).
8) In 2019 SET initiated global recognition through “Embassy@SET” activities, in which ambassadors from over 30 countries participated, and also hosted Asia Fund Standardization Forum (AFSF) and Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (AOSEF).
1) 20 Thai listed companies have been selected as components of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), the highest number in ASEAN, and seven of them were in a list of the world’s top-scoring firms.
2) SET encouraged listed companies to address global warming problem through Care the Whale project’s zero waste campaign, after the successful Care the Bear project, focusing on reducing carbon footprints.
3) SET has jointly driven social enterprises through SET Social Impact Day: Creating connecting points of works for sustainability with business sector.
4) SET coordinated with international organizations such as International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) and the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) in addressing social problems by promoting financial literacy through “Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy” global project.