PTTEP Makes Further Investment in Oman after Acquiring an Exploration-Production Rights
PTTEP Makes Further Investment in Oman after Acquiring an Exploration-Production Rights.
PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP) has informed that on 19 February 2020, PTTEP MENA Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PTTEP, and Total E&P Oman Block 12 B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Total S.A. signed Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) with Oman’s Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) for exploration and production rights of Block12, located onshore central part of the Sultanate of Oman, with the participation interest for PTTEP MENA Limited at 20% and Total E&P Oman Block 12 B.V. (the Operator) at 80%.
This investment in Oman exploration block is another important milestone for PTTEP to expand its international investment portfolio to the Middle East, the petroleum prolific region; and is in line with PTTEP’s strategy to broaden strategic alliance partnership with well-experienced operators.