“Pakorn” Ensures Stability of the Thai Capital Market amid Global High Volatility
“Pakorn” Ensures Stability of the Thai Capital Market amid Global High Volatility.
Dr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, President at The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) said SET group has prudently employed a series of measures to mitigate contagion risk caused by the widespread of COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure the orderly functioning and stability of SET, Market for Alternative Investment (mai), Thailand Futures Exchange PCL (TFEX), Thailand Clearing House Co., Ltd. (TCH), and Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD), in the situation of heightened volatility in the global and domestic financial and capital markets.
SET continues to monitor the evolving situations, including Government guidance and measures initiated, as part of the Preparedness and Response Plan, and liaises closely with regulators, industry bodies, and other market participants.
The exchange has implemented comprehensive Business Continuity Management (BCM) that covers Business Continuity Plan (BCP), seeking to ensure trading, clearing and settlement, and other service systems, resiliency, availability and stability across all the platforms, during the challenging time. SET has also provided appropriate flexibility to staff, while placing the utmost importance on managing the health and safety of staff and the wider community.