Breaking News! ERC Grants BGRIM the LNG-Shipper License as Expected!
Breaking News! BGRIM Acquires the LNG-Shipper License as Expected!
B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (BGRIM) has acquired the LNG shipper license from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) on May 27, 2020, said the source close to the matter.
Currently, the global LNG price is relatively low, which would be the opportunity for the company with the license to import LNG for further usage in the future.
BGRIM is the fifth acquisitor of LNG shipper license after PTT Public Company Limited (PTT), Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (GULF) and Hin Kong Power Holding Company Limited – a joint venture between GULF and Ratch Group Public Company Limited (RATCH).