BAY’s 2020 Earnings Decline 30% as Non-NII Falls without One-Time Gain from NTL
BAY’s 2020 Earnings Decline 30% as Non-NII Falls without One-Time Gain from NTL.
Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited (BAY) has reported its yearly consolidated financial statement of 2020 through the Stock Exchange of Thailand as follows;
Including the one-off item in 2019 (the recognition of gains on investment from the Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited or NTL) transaction and the provision for compensation in personnel expenses relating to a severance payment in accordance with the amended Labor Protection Act. In addition, BAY reported a net profit of 23,039 million baht, decreased 29.65% YoY.
Compared to 2019, non-interest income decreased by 27.7%, mainly driven by the absence of one-time gains on investments recorded in 2019, and a decrease in net fees and service income, resulting from a severe contraction in economic activities.
The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio stood at 2.00% at the end of December 2020, relatively stable from 1.98% in the previous year.