ECF Believes Myanmar to Continue Supporting “Minbu Solar” despite Political Unrest
ECF Believes Myanmar to Continue Supporting “Minbu Solar Power Project” despite Political Unrest
Mr. Arak Suksawad, Managing Director of East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited (ECF), stated that even though ECF has investments in Myanmar such as the Minbu solar power project with a production capacity of 220MW, the company believed that the unrest in Myanmar will not impact the investment as power generation businesses are essential in the country and expected the government to continue supporting the business. Meanwhile, the project also continues its production and construction as scheduled. The company will recognize income from the first phase of the Minbu project of 50MW production, and the 2nd-4th phases are in the process of construction. ECF estimated a profit-sharing from the investment not less than 80-100 million baht per year once all phases are completed.