SISB Expects to Accept More Students in 2021 with “Thonburi Phase II” to Launch in August
SISB Expects to Accept More Students in 2021 with “Thonburi Phase II” to Launch in August.
Mr. Yew Hock Koh, Chief Executive Officer of SISB Public Company Limited (SISB), stated that the schools have reopened starting February 1, 2021, in accordance to the Ministry of Education’s orders.
SISB’s schools are well prepared in terms of safety and hygiene measures to protect the spreading of coronavirus, which has a protocol to clean all areas around the building as well as checking staffs’ health to ensure safety before the reopening.
As for the company’s plan in 2021, SISB projected an increase of 150-200 students for the year. The company recorded a total of 2,596 students as of the end of 3Q20.
“(The company) is confident that after the easing of the new coronavirus spread and the economic activities return to normality, more parents will contact and send their kids to SISB,” said Mr. Yew Hock Koh.
Currently, phase two of the Singapore International School of Bangkok, Thonburi Campus, is expected to complete and open in August 2021, which will increase the school’s capacity by 600 students, resulting in a total capacity of all campuses at 4,500 students.
Meanwhile, the progression of SISB’s school in Nonthaburi is in the designing process on an area of 14.8 rais. The company is expected the new campus to begin construction within this year.