PTT-WHAUP Develops “Smart Energy Platform” for Energy Management via AI and Blockchain
PTT and WHAUP together with Sertis develop "Smart Energy Platform" for energy management through AI and Blockchain technology.
Mr. Noppadol Pinsupa, Senior Executive Vice President, Innovation and Digital, PTT Public Company Limited (PTT), Ms. Jareeporn Jarukornsakul , Chairman and Group CEO, WHA Corporation Public Company Limited (WHA) and Chairman of the Board of Directors, WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (WHAUP) and Mr. Tachakorn Vachiramon, Chief Executive Office, Sertis, recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Smart Energy Platform.
Under this MOU, Sertis jointly developed a platform to optimise electricity management using AI and Blockchain Technology to sell solar energy within WHA Group’s industrial estates.
This platform will allow transactions to be decentralized and processed automatically without being controlled by any single party, making data management and transactions more secure and transparent between each of the buildings in the industrial estates.
This collaboration was selected as part of the Energy Regulatory Commission Sandbox (ERC Sandbox) program run by Energy Regulatory Commission of Thailand and Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), under the Microgrid electricity management system. The Smart Energy Platform developed between PTT, WHAUP and Sertis will help make alternative energy management more efficient and will result in better energy stability.