Kaohoon International
The Direction of Asia Markets after “Blue Waves” Takeover the “House”?
Beijing is not out of Trump’s reach, but it is better to have a partisan to holdback further absurd ideas from the White House. How much will it affect Asia markets?
Kaohoon International
What Will Become of the Gridlocked Congress and Its Effect on Asia Market?
The US becomes a gridlocked Congress after the 2018 midterm election. What will the Republicans do when the House changes hands to the Democrats instead, and how will it affect Asi…
Kaohoon International
Democrats Will Take Power in the House, Fending Further Trump’s Policy
As the ballots still being counted, it can be said that Democrats will take the House of Representatives, while Republicans will hold its Senate.
Kaohoon International
The Decline of Asia Market amid Global Tensions
A lot had happened on Monday, November 5, 2018, which reflected negative sentiment to Asian investors and caused the stock markets to plunge.
Kaohoon International
Wall of U.S. Militias Strengthen Mexico Border from Immigrant Parents and Children
U.S. troops were deployed to Mexico, California and Arizona borders to prevent illegal immigration.
Kaohoon International
China Abruptly Sanctions Iran Oil, Signaling Compliance with U.S.
China has gone back on its word from defying U.S. sanctions on Iran oil to take the initiative and sanction Iran oil ahead of the U.S. deadline on November 4.
Kaohoon International
When the Two Largest Economies Stumble, the World also Faces the Same Fate
When the U.S. and China's economy went down, the global markets would have no way out but to follow.
Kaohoon International
Who “Was” Jamal Khashoggi: Tragedy of the Vocal Insider
Prominent journalist, Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance and alleged gruesome murder has seized the world’s attention. With world leaders pointing the finger at Saudi rulers, and top …
Kaohoon International
IMF Cuts Global Growth 2018-19 Forecast to 3.7% as Trade Tensions Rise
As trade tensions grow between the U.S. and trading partners, and World Economic Outlook had published the biannual report, IMF has cut the global growth forecast from 3.9% to 3.7%
Kaohoon International
Trump Engages in “Outright Fraud” Allegations from NY Times Findings
The New York Times claimed that it had reviewed over 100,000 pages of documents to find that President Donald Trump had engaged in tax evasion from the assets given to him by his f…
Kaohoon International
NAFTA Remains after USA and Canada Closes the Deal
Just before the deadline given by Donald Trump, both parties finally reach the conclusion of NAFTA, creating a trilateral trade pact along with Mexico.
Kaohoon International
Trump Inks Revised Trade Agreement with S.Korea, Lighting Hopes for China?
The KORUS trade agreement was implemented since 2012 in the era of Obama, and now, Donald Trump has revamped it for a better deal of both countries.